

Aapt : command not found

2019年3月19日 — Hi. I have the problem with aapt. That when I'm using it. aapt: command not found My system machine is Mac. When sign-apk app I saw these.

终端输入aapt指令报错提示"command not found"

2019年10月17日 — 解决:. 该问题由于未配置aapt环境变量导致,在.bash_profile中配置AAPT_HOME和PATH即可解决。

Error: Could not find aapt

Attempting to run Appium from the command line but receiving an error. It appears it id finding my adb device but is not actually launch my app.

aapt tool failed Android apk build #1794

2022年3月23日 — I get the error: too many SDKs use the latest. Using the link to the latest I get this error: Could not locate adb: /Users/myMac/Library/Android ...


2016年9月27日 — I wanted to use the aapt command on a Mac with the android sdk (folder /build-tools/24.0.1). But whenever I try to use the command I get the ...

zsh: command not found

2021年12月14日 — 找到自己Mac 中aapt 工具的存放目录:例如我的为:/Users/chenpeida/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0; 在.zshrc 文件中添加环境变量配置。如:.


2010年12月8日 — Resolve this by opening the Android SDK and AVD manager. Have a look if anything has a broken link icon in the installed package list and ...


2021年6月26日 — 未配置aapt的环境变量. 解决: 说明:安装的是Android Studio中集成了sdk,需要找到sdk下的build-tools.(如果 ...

Use aapt from Android studio is not found in PATH #244

2019年6月21日 — It checks $PATH for aapt , so just modify $PATH to include it's location.

Error "aapt: not found" when running test

2015年11月30日 — Find the 'build-tools' folder location on your machine. It should be under a directory called 'android-sdk-linux' or one called 'sdk'. Post the ...